Ring ring
heARTbeats, it is an entertainment club which develop friendship between persons as fast as human heartbeats..!!
Our motto is, sharpens the value of friendship and interact with different personalities which makes a different colour to our friendship club 'heARTbeats'
What is the importance of joining with heARTbeats club...???, it is a question mark of every one who doesn't know about our club.. We, the officials of heARTbeats club answering you that 'when a person will be a part of our club, he/she can develop their skills and knowledge in the fields of EDUCATION, ENTERTAINMENT, SOCIAL CARING, PUBLIC AWARENESS and FRIENDSHIP' with using our unpredictable informations and classes..
We provide TOUR PACKAGES, ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAMS and especially making the chances to perform in district, state and national level CULTURAL, SPORTS, GAMES and ATHLETICS programs.and also we can improve your personality, language and knowledge by conducting many talent programs and special seminar classes, who have in part of heARTbeats club.
f you are interested to join or know more about our club, feel free to leave e-mails or just call our officials.they are waiting for your knock.. Our email id: heartbeatscare@yahoo.com Mob:09944855619,08144123057.